Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Maid To Order

Wonder if this is what the Premier will be wearing for his Ed TV show when he announces that he serves Big Oil rather than the people of Alberta.

Perry Mah/Sun

I guess the election will be soon. Cause you can't buy publicity like this.

EDMONTON - As if we didn't already think politicians were a drag.

An ad campaign featuring a life-size model of Premier Ed Stelmach in a French maid's outfit, along with black nylon stockings and heels, is proving a hit for the San Francisco chain of gift stores.

``Premier Costumes and Halloween Gear' reads the poster, onto which Stelmach's head has been superimposed. The premier's spokesman says Stelmach has been told about it.

Tom Olsen says the premier has a sense of humour and has no plan to ask the store to take the posters down. San Francisco employee Cherish Byron says the posters had been sent out to the chain's stores across Edmonton and they were receiving comments about it all day

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