Friday, October 05, 2007

Move To Alberta

The former mayor of Vernon, B.C. should move to Alberta where credit card fraud by Government ministers, MLA's and their pals gets a slap on the wrist from the Auditor General. And they charged a heck of a lot more personal expenses to their government credit cards than this guy did.

But of course in Alberta dems dats got the gold makes the rules and in this case the rules are "broad" whereas in other provinces they would result in criminal charges.

Man who resigned as Vernon mayor over credit scam faces new fraud charges


VERNON, B.C. - There are more legal troubles for the disgraced former mayor of Vernon, B.C.

Sean Harvey has been charged with five counts of fraud over $5,000 and one count of forgery.

The charges stem from dealings Harvey had with a former business partner over a two-year period ending in April 2005.

Vernon dentist Chris Laidlaw alleges he was ripped off for more than $50,000 dollars by Harvey's use of deceit and fraudulent documents.

Harvey was forced to resign as Vernon mayor in July 2005 and was later convicted of breach of trust after admitting to using his city credit card for personal expenses.

Harvey was ordered to pay $14,000 and given a one-year conditional sentence, but also served a week in jail in January after breaching the terms of that sentence.

Disgraced ex-B.C. mayor pleads guilty to breach of trust

Last Updated: Monday, August 21, 2006

The former mayor of Vernon has pleaded guilty to breach of trust in connection with his city expense account, a year after resigning amid a spending scandal.

A second charge of fraud over $5,000 against 36-year-old Sean Harvey was stayed.

Harvey appeared in B.C. Supreme Court in the North Okanagan city on Monday. He admitted to misusing his municipal credit card 90 different times between February 2003 and June 2005 while still serving as mayor.

It is alleged he claimed almost $14,000 of the city's money for business and political meetings that never took place. Instead he spent it on personal meals and trips, including a vacation in Las Vegas.

The former mayor has promised to reimburse the city and has repaid more than $5,000 so far.

When Harvey announced his resignation in July 2005, he apologized to his community and asked people to pray for him and his family.

He tearfully apologized again on Monday for abusing his power and betraying the public's trust.

"People are increasingly cynical of their elected officials and my actions reinforced and added to that level of cynicism, and I'm really sorry for that," he said.

The case came to light after two Vernon residents obtained copies of Harvey's expense statements.

Transparency Alberta Style

Stelmach the Perfect Strom

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