Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Poll Spin

I would spin this poll as the NDP gain in popular support, rather than how the MSM spin it. And clearly the NDP's principled stand over the Throne speech has resonated with Canadians.

Canada's ruling Conservatives have slipped slightly in public support but are still well ahead of the opposition Liberals, according to a new poll.

The Ipsos-Reid survey put the Conservatives on 39 percent, down one point from a poll done by the same firm a week before. The Liberals were steady at 27 percent while support for the left-leaning New Democrats rose three points to 17 percent.

The image “http://www.ndp.ca/xfer/html/2007-10-12/LiberalWarningHeader-en.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


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  1. Ispos is a garbage polling company. The bottom of the pile. They are not worth the breath or typing energy to report on what they say.

  2. Ipsos may be a garbage polling company, but the key here is to compare the results of their previous poll to this one.

    Here is another poll I posted about showing the NDP on the rise:
