Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fatalities and Near Misses In Afghanistan

I am sorry but this Taliban rockets slam near Mackay

Is not as important as this Over 100 killed, injured in suicide attack in N Afghanistan

After all they missed Mackay. And they didn't know he was there because it was another Conservative 'secret', 'unannounced', 'surprise' visit. So much for security.

Hillier told reporters he believed the base was the intended target — not MacKay. “The minister was not subjected to an attack,” he said.

Whereas the suicide attack north of Kabul, remember Kabul we used to have peace keepers there, was far worse.

A senior Afghan opposition politician was among scores of people killed Tuesday by a suicide bomb attack in a previously peaceful northern province of Afghanistan.

Reports of the number of people killed or injured varied from as low as 13 to as many as 100. But because many of the victims were young children, observers say, the attack was one of the most devastating to hit Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

Some analysts, including Wadir Safi, a law professor at Kabul University, agreed that the attack was a political assassination.

Whether or not the Taliban do eventually take responsibility, Tuesday's bombing may feed popular fears that the Afghan government and the international military forces that support it are unable to control the insurgents, observers say.

More than 200 people have died in more than 130 suicide attacks this year amid signs that public confidence in the future of the country is starting to slip.

Though you wouldn't know it by the media coverage in Canada which focused on Mackay with the suicide bombing getting pushed aside.

And we are fighting in the south to protect the women and children of Afghanistan as Mackay likes to remind us. To bad the worst attack since 2001 occurred in the North.

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