Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Polling Puts Paul Fourth

This is the Real Clear Politics conglomerate poll of New Hampshire polling. So let's ask ourselves if Paul is beating Thompson in all polls and in a virtual dead heat with Giuliani why is the media ignoring him? And it's not just Fox News, its all the media pundits, sans Jay Leno. And after today when he comes in fourth again, as he did in Iowa, will they still continue to ignore him?

New Hampshire Republican Primary

Tuesday, January 8 | Delegates at Stake: 24

Polling Data
RCP Average01/04 - 01/0633.528.711.
CNN/WMUR/UNH01/05 - 01/0631261310101
Suffolk/WHDH01/05 - 01/06273091082
Marist01/05 - 01/06353113584
Rasmussen01/05 - 01/063231111083
Franklin Pierce01/04 - 01/0638299872
USA Today/Gallup01/04 - 01/06343013883
Strategic Vision (R)01/04 - 01/06352713875
Reuters/CSpan/Zogby01/04 - 01/06342910963
American Res. Group01/04 - 01/063527121072
FOX News01/04 - 01/06342711952

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