Wednesday, February 20, 2008


With the resignation announcement of Cuba's Comrade Commandante El Presidente Fidel Castro, as I have been predicting for months, the usual media reference to him is as 'dictator'.

I guess that is because he is appointed leader by his party without being directly elected.

But then again I guess if you use that definition then this guy was a dictator for the past year


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  1. Um no, because our local beloved leader was required to face the voters within a certain inflexible legally mandated time-line. Plus the neighborhood committees aren't going to inform on you for writing this and there isn't going to be secret police banging on your door in the middle of the night to haul you off to a secret cell.

    Eugene, I do believe as police states go, Cuba is less horrific than most - it's still a police state and calling Fidel, and now his brother Raul dictators is completely appropriate.

  2. The Communist Party Of Cuba is the only legal political party in Cuba. No other party may run for election.

    I don't know if Cuba is a dictatorship, but it sure ain't a democracy.

    I shall end with a quote from Human Rights Watch...

    For almost five decades, Cuba has restricted nearly all avenues of political dissent. Cuban citizens have been systematically deprived of their fundamental rights to free expression, privacy, association, assembly, movement, and due process of law.
