Thursday, February 07, 2008

Gee I Said That


Red Deer Advocate Editorial , Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008

Amazingly, the Conservatives — who have been in power since 1971 — are campaigning under the slogan “Change that works for Albertans.” They are apparently determined to run against their own record, after realizing many Albertans are tired of their arrogance and mistakes.

“I think we can deliver as much change as anyone else,” said George Rogers, Tory MLA for Leduc-Beaumont-Devon, with no hint of joking in his voice. After 37 years in government? That makes absolutely no sense.

Do the Tories think voters are stupid enough to consider them the party of change?

Apparently they are underestimating the intelligence of Albertans. Comes from Tired Old Tories talking to themselves in caucus.

H/T Cowboys For Social Responsibility

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