Tuesday, November 04, 2008


So Joe the Plumber, who ain't a plumber but a McCain stand-in stereotype gets preferential treatement because of his celeberity status....pork by any other name. Hey McCain gimme the straight talk on this....

Joe the Plumber gets warning, not speeding ticket
— Police stopped "Joe the Plumber" for speeding last week but didn't issue a
ticket out of concern it would reflect negatively on the Toledo department, an
officer's report said.
Officers tracked Samuel J. Wurzelbacher driving about
50 mph in a 35 mph zone in his Dodge Durango SUV on Wednesday, the police report
In the final presidential debate, Republican John McCain portrayed
Wurzelbacher as emblematic of people with concerns about Democrat Barack Obama's
tax plans. Wurzelbacher has since endorsed McCain. His instant fame set off a
rush of interest in the plumber's background.
Toledo's police chief said on
Tuesday — the day before the traffic stop — that a department clerk faces a
disciplinary hearing for allegedly looking up Wurzelbacher's address on a state
computer database.
Wurzelbacher was given a verbal warning because of that
ongoing investigation and because a citation could have "negative repercussions
to the department and city as a whole," according to the report, which lists
"Patrolman Bailey" as its author.
Wurzelbacher would not comment on the traffic stop when reached by telephone Monday evening.

And I really like 'Joe's' honesty

JW: You know, I don’t know enough about that to give you a real intelligent

Typical Republican.

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