Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Return To Blogging

I have updated the look of the blog thanks to the new template designs that are now available, one of the reasons I have not been updating my blog, was the clumsy design I made years ago and had to live with. 

So now that I am home with tales to tell and analysis and articles to write. 

Pithy commenting on Facebook is not enough, I have longer analysis and comments to make which blogging allows me to do.

So for the moment let me say that starting now, the summer of 2013, I am returning to blogging.

You have been warned. 


  1. ... some of your old readers are very happy to see you back ... :)51

  2. hi Eugene...welcome back, we missed you. It's about time eh? But of course we have been warned... ;)

  3. Great to have you back ! I look forward to your incisive comments.
