Saturday, May 11, 2019


US War On Capitalism In Iran

The sabre rattling will increase since Iran has rightly stood up to the US over the issue of its development of a nuclear energy infrastructure. While the Americans have put the issue in the context of nuclear weapons the reality is that Iran views the American efforts as an attempt to end its domestic nuclear energy program. Which of course it is. The use of the chimera of WMD is an excuse to continue the American led sanctions on Irans development as a major capitalist state in the region.

The sanctions have been in place since the fall of the Shah of Iran's regime. This left Iran isolated and the economy reliant on state capitalism. The failure of the sanctions can be seen in Irans successful development of a Fordist economy. It is the only industrialized nation in the region, and one that has car manufacturing.

All other regimes in the region rely upon guest workers for their proletariat, including Lebanon. Outside of Iraq, Iran is the only Arab country with a developed traditional industrial capitalist economy and consequently a developed proletariat.

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