Saturday, May 11, 2019

Broadsheet wrote: Let's keep a tally - how does the law treat men who rape women, men who kill women, and women who kill their rapists? Here's how a male judge punished a woman who killed her rapist...
In Australia, Roxanne Eka Peters, 35, slashed Grant Cassar, 51, with a kitchen knife after he threatened to harm her daughter unless she submitted to more sex. Justice David Boddice said Peters was “enraged” at Cassar’s previous rape of her and sick threats, but that did not excuse her lack of respect for Cassar's “human dignity.” Peters was sentenced to nine years for manslaughter plus another 18 months for interfering with a corpse. The judge acknowledged that the humiliating rape followed by Cassar’s threats to harm her child had been a “significant provocation.” He said: “I accept the stabbing occurred in circumstances when you were enraged by what the deceased had done to you and was threatening to do to you again.”

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