Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Economist Michael Roberts argues that the fall in the rate of profit is the ultimate cause of capitalist crises. 

The first Historical Materialism conference held in Athens was very well attended – making it the biggest of such events in southern Europe and with mostly younger attendees. As is usual with HM c…

Oct 4, 2016 - Since then, the US rate of profit has been static or falling. And fourth, since about 2010-12, profitability has started to fall again. Finally, the fall in ...

Marx defined the rate of profit as the ratio of profit to investment. A long-term feature of capitalism has been the tendency for this rate of profit to fall - for booms to ...
In the early part of the 19th century the economist Ricardo had his own simple idea about the falling rate of industrial profit. Essentially his idea was that there is ...

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