Saturday, May 11, 2019

The violence of the past week threatens to completely unravel a crumbling cease-fire agreement reached between Turkey and Russia at the Black Sea resort of Sochi in September last year, which averted a potentially devastating assault by the Syrian government to retake the province.

BEIRUT (AP) — After eight months of relative calm, Syria's northwestern province of Idlib is once again a theater for bloody military operations: heavy bombardment, airstrikes and waves of...

Russia blocks Security Council statement that distorts facts about situation in Idleb

New York, SANA – Russia's Deputy Representative at the UN Vladimir Safronkov said on Friday that Moscow blocked a report at the Security Council on Syria which had attempted to distort facts about the situation in Idleb province. Safronkov told journalist that following closed discussions regardi

Vershinin: Russia supports Syrian Army in its retaliation to terrorists’ violations in Idleb

Moscow, SANA- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin affirmed that his country will continue to support the Syrian Arab Army in the fight against terrorism until it is eradicated. Sputnik quoted Vershinin as saying to journalists in statements on Thursday that terrorists in Idleb contin

Army thwarts terrorists’ infiltration attempt to military points and safe areas in Idleb

Idleb, SANA - Army units on Thursday thwarted terrorists’ infiltration attempt from Abu al-Dohour area to military points and safe villages in Idleb province. SANA reporter said that many of the terrorists were either killed or injured and their weapons were destroyed during the operations. Mo

Grospic: Washington, Turkish regime hinder elimination of terrorists in Idleb

Prague, SANA- Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic affirmed that the US and the Turkish regime work on hindering the exerted efforts for eradicating terrorism from its last bastion in Idleb province to serve their agendas. Grospic, in a statement to SA

A number of communities in #Idleb are impacted by the intensified hostilities in NW #Syria; many ppl have sought refuge in the open. The UN is calling on all ...
With conflict raging in northwest Syria, the United Nations health agency has appealed for $11 million to provide life-saving care to parts of Aleppo, Hama, Idleb ...
... against the civilian population in all of its major military offensives to capture territory from armed groups, the fate of millions of civilians in Idleb is now at risk.

4 days ago - With the upturn in the number of attacks across Idleb and Hama, schools, medical facilities and Civil Defense centers have been subject to

Apr 5, 2019 - If you're able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn't be possible without your help: PayPal: ...

Aug 13, 2018 - Turkey considers the SDF and YPG to be Syrian extensions of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. Kurdish forces and Syrian loyalists have avoided ...
Jan 30, 2019 - Turkey has long threatened to invade mainly Kurdish areas in Syria's northeast ... offensive into Idlib or a Turkish operation against the YPG. ... of the Syriac Military Council of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Jan 16, 2019 - As Idlib in western Syria falls to an extremist rebel faction, Moscow and ... SDFincludes the People's Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish faction ...
Official Twitter account for the People's Defense Units (YPG) in Rojava .... #New form ne: Why did #Turkey allow jailed Kurdish leader to meet lawyers after long ... start of operations with #Turkey to control areas from #YPG-#SDF near Menagh ... 2019 @IntellFusion #PKK #YPG/#SDF #Idlib #Aleppo #Hama #TSK #Cyprus ...

Jan 18, 2019 - After years of war that resulted in over 8,000 casualties, the SDF ... For the Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, Turkmen and Circassian communities that ... between Russia and Turkey that trades Northeast Syria for Idlib. ... TAGS: Syria · Rojava · Kurdistan · Turkey · SDF · YPG · United States · Russia · Iran · Idlib · FSA. 

Jan 19, 2019 - After Syria's Idlib was taken over by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham alliance of ... Pingback: SDFcloses on last ISIS redoubt in Syria as YPG set fo

Feb 20, 2019 - The Kurdish YPG are one of the many factions that will have to be accommodated in ... general locations: the Kurdish-dominated north and northeast, Idlib province ... The presence of US forces ensured the SDF's protection.

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