Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Wed, Jun 5, 1:44 AM (13 days ago)

Dear Friends of the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists:

On June 3, the Sudanese military and militia forces attacked the peaceful sit-in outside the Army Command in Khartoum, where thousands of protesters have gathered since 6 April to demand a peaceful transition to civilian rule after mass protests brought down the 30-year despotic rule of Omar al-Bashir. 

Over 35 have been killed, hundreds injured, and the encampment set on fire. Counter-revolution has reared its bloody head in Sudan carried out by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the Transitional Military Council. This past weekend al-Burhan coordinated with US-ally Saudi Arabia and other regional powers who undoubtedly green-lit this escalation of violence. It comes after a successful two day general strike last week where over 80% of the country shut down demanding civilian rule.

The Sudanese people have responded by calling for an indefinite political general strike and mass civil disobedience around the country to bring down the regime and bring about democracy and immediate civilian rule. We stand with the Sudanese people fighting for freedom and democracy and call for an end to massacre, repression, and counter-revolution in Sudan. 

Below is the link to an online panel on the state of the Sudanese and Algerian uprisings which will help you learn more about the critical importance of these struggles and the need for immediate solidarity with them.

The Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists is reaching out to all our friends and subscribers and inviting you to share ideas for solidarity work. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video The State of the Sudanese and Algerian Uprisings

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