Sunday, June 09, 2019

Total fines tied to UCP 'kamikaze' leadership campaign ticks up another notch to $77,250 | CBC News

Candidate One decides that he wants to trounce Candidate Two, who has a good chance of becoming the leader of the United Greedyguts Party because most people think that he is a human being whereas Candidate One has a reputation for being a ruthless monster.
Candidate One wants to throw around a lot of fabricated dirt about Candidate Two but he knows that that will just reinforce the view that he is mean-spirited and a narcissist. So he asks a member of the party caucus if he will run a kamikaze campaign whose purpose is to slag Candidate Two while Candidate One gets to pretend that he is a statesman who would never stoop to make personal attacks on his only real opponent. The party caucus person finds the whole idea a bit scuzzy and says no.
So Candidate One finds a complete non-entity who is willing to run a smear campaign against Candidate Two and then drop out in time to not be taking votes from Candidate One and indeed endorse Candidate One. After a while no one can even remember the name of this Candidate Three but the smears against Candidate Two have their impact nonetheless.
Candidate Three's big concern as he agrees to run a kamikaze campaign is that since he is a non-entity without actual support from anyone, he cannot afford to pay for the party's steep fee to become a candidate, a fee that is there for the express purpose of keeping frivolous candidates out of the running.
So Candidate One arranges for his corporate supporters to hand money to people whom they control and who are instructed to hand that money over to Candidate Three's kamikaze campaign.
Not a bad script for a B movie, which tells the true story of the race for the UCP leadership.


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