Monday, June 10, 2019

Susanna Reid sarcastically thanked Piers Morgan for "mansplaining" women's football during a heated discussion about the Women's World Cup on Good Morning Britain.
During Monday morning's show, Morgan explained that on Sunday, he had tuned into the Women's World Cup and seen four female pundits discussing the tournament.
"All women! Funny that," Morgan stated. "Equality. Great thing until you actually have to do it yourself."
Reid then asked Morgan whether he was suggesting that the four pundits commentating on the England versus Scotland match weren't good.
"Doesn't matter. It's the optics, isn't it," Morgan replied. "If it was four blokes, you'd all be screaming."
The talk show host continued, explaining how – in his opinion – women aren't trying to create gender equality, but are trying to make it "unequal again", but in their favour.
Good Morning Britain newsreader Charlotte Hawkins then chimed in, stating that having four female football pundits is a case of "redressing the balance". "Swing the balance the other way, and then bring it to the middle," she said.
To back up his argument, Morgan presented a tweet that had been shared by Rebekah Vardy, wife of England footballer Jamie Vardy, about the four female pundits.
"Umm what happened to equality..." the tweet read, alongside a picture of the pundits on BBC Sport.
"Very good question," Morgan stated in response. "Because it's not about redressing the balance or being equal, it's about being just as unequal as the system you claim is so unfair for the last hundred years."
After Morgan added that he thinks having four female pundits commentating a match is "sexist", Reid said: "Thank you, for mansplaining women's football to us."
Several Twitter users criticised Vardy over her tweet.
"Congrats on having the worst take of #FIFAWWC," one person wrote.
"Understand your point – having an equal panel will allow male and female sports to integrate. However, a balancing of the scales is in order," another stated.
"It's been all men for a long time, and now is the time for the female pundits to be given the platform they deserve."

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