Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Terres Romanes .
You can wonder if in the romane sculpture, especially from the XII, everything is only symbolic interpretation or carrier of a spiritual message, as some support it. Sometimes and by the simple observation, it is observed that the sculptor also delivers a direct and sometimes believed testimony on his time, which seems to take it on any religious concern. You can probably find a metaphorical meaning to this detail of the portal of Santa Maria the mayor of uncastillo, you can also see a scene of the extraction of a tooth!
The left character still holds the clamp that holds the tooth that he has just ripped off and a side of wine or water to relieve the still visible pain of his companion. I don't know a similar representation of such quality. I add that the sculptor of this church is distinguished both by his indisputable talent but also his tasty choice for other sculptures and sometimes more dirty that we discover with almost a smile on the lips when visiting this wonder of the Roman art.
Santa Maria the mayor. Uncastillo-Aragon-Spain August 2015.

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