Friday, June 07, 2019


Trump: I Personally Know Most Of The Irish People Living In The U.S. - The Intellectualist

American taxpayers paid over $90 billion more under Trump tax law

Trump to speak at Lincoln Memorial during Fourth of July celebration
President Trump plans to address the nation from the Lincoln Memorial on July 4 as part of an overhauled celebration of the nation’s Independence Day,” the Washington Post reports.
“The president had previously floated the idea of speaking at the nationally televised event, but his participation had not been confirmed. Trump’s appearance is likely to bring with it a host of new security and logistical challenges and reshape a decades-old, nonpartisan celebration that annually draws hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city’s monumental core.”

Trump’s Bid to Become Born-Again Fails as Jesus Turns Down Friend Request

Giant model of Trump sitting on golden toilet tweeting appears in central London
Robot also has audio function which makes fart sounds and says ‘no collusion’, ‘you are fake news’ and ‘witch-hunt’

The 16-foot model, nicknamed “Dump Trump”, reportedly also has an audio function that makes fart noises and repeats the president's most famous statements, including “no collusion”, “witch-hunt”, “you are fake news” and “I’m a very stable genius.”


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