Sunday, June 23, 2019


'No explanation': Flying objects over Kansas City leave locals suspecting aliens
Two flying objects in Kansas City, Missouri, left locals suspecting aliens and the National Weather Service with "no explanation."
'No explanation': Flying objects over Kansas City leave locals suspecting aliens
Flying objects over Kansas City on Thursday night sparked the interest of locals and — for a while — had stumped people looking for answers. KMBC 9 in Kansas City said on Twitter it had fielded "several calls" regarding two strange orbs floating over Kansas City International Airport.



Military officials brief president and Congress on UFO sightings after growing concerns

Servicemen and women have brought frequent UFO sightings to the attention of the president and other lawmakers.
A veteran fighter-pilot saw an unidentified flying object outside his cockpit window on a U.S. military training mission in Florida in 2015.

“There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the S.A. My gosh. They’re going against the wind. The wind is 120 knots to the West. Look at that thing dude!”

Many other UFO’s have been sighted by American military pilots.

The Navy briefed members of Congress on these sightings, calling the UFO’s a “threat to the safety and security of our aviators.”

“That was one of the most amazing things, to us or at least to me, is that these things would be out there all day. And the speeds that they were exhibiting, as well as the flight characteristics, there’s no platform or really energy source that I’m aware of that can allow something to stay in the air as long as these objects were,” said former Navy Fighter Pilot, Ryan Graves.

The UFO’s haven’t exactly kept their distance from the pilots.

“Someone accidentally had one of the objects fly in between his aircraft at a very close range and gained a visual. Realized it was very unlikely that it was a U.S. drone program,” said Graves.

As expected, there are skeptics of this UFO activity, including Bill Nye and President Trump.

“It’s probably one part of the military not telling the other part of the military what they’re up top, for a good reason,” said Nye ‘The Science Guy’.

The president said that he had a very short briefing on the topic and wasn’t sure if he believed it.

Other skeptics believe that the objects could simply be military hardware being tested on classified missions unbeknownst to the pilots who spotted them.

A Navy official said that they are working with the Air Force and other branches to better understand what pilots are seeing.


Three Days Ago, DARPA Launched Some Balloons. Then People Started Seeing UFOs.

Andrew Daniels,
Popular Mechanics•June 21, 2019

Photo credit: Twitter/@NWSKansasCityMore

UFOs are having a bit of a moment right now. This week, Politico revealed that several Senators were briefed by the Pentagon about UFO sightings for unknown reasons, with President Trump admitting that he, too, was also in the loop. (“Do I believe it? Not particularly,” Trump said.) And on the same day we questioned the government’s renewed interest in mysterious aircraft, the National Weather Service in Kansas City stoked even more curiosity with a tweet alerting locals to two suspicious white orbs hanging out in the sky:

We honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City.- NWS Kansas City (@NWSKansasCity) June 21, 2019

Predictably, the tweet didn’t just cause a commotion in KC on Thursday night, but across the country, too. Generally, when we can’t initially explain a strange occurrence and there’s even the faintest possibility that extraterrestrials could be involved-especially when there’s a cool video of the strange object in motion, as shown below-we’re bound to indulge in some irresponsible speculation.

Alas, despite a few fleeting hours of ET excitement, we arrived at an answer for the floating orbs thanks to some sleuthing by Gizmodo. That site originally suspected the orbs could be the property of Google’s Project Loon, which sends large LTE balloons to places like Peru, a spot recently hit with an 8.0 earthquake that badly needed emergency cell service.

But Loon didn’t know anything about the UFOs. “While Loon does routinely fly balloons over the [U.S.] from our launch site in Nevada,” Loon’s Scott Coriell told Gizmodo, “we do not currently have balloons in the area where the sightings have been reported.”

Gizmodo then reached out to the Department of Defense, which didn’t technically claim ownership of the UFOs, but did say that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched three balloons from Cumberland, Maryland on June 18 in a flight test for its Adaptable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) program. A tweet from DARPA on that day confirmed the flight test:

Last night, DARPA launched 3 balloons from Cumberland, Maryland, in a flight test for the Adaptable Lighter Than Air prgm. Over next few days, ALTA will demonstrate capability for wind-borne navigation of a lighter-than-air vehicle over extended ranges. DARPA (@DARPA) June 18, 2019

Indeed, a “source with knowledge of DARPA’s programs” told Gizmodo that the balloons belonged to ALTA. So what’s that program, anyway?

ALTA’s mission is to “develop and demonstrate a high altitude lighter-than-air vehicle capable of wind-borne navigation over extended ranges,” according to the program’s brief description on its bare-bones website. ALTA balloons, which don’t have independent propulsion, can navigate changing altitudes in excess of 75,000 feet. ALTA is also developing a Winds Aloft Sensor (WAS), which will send real-time stratospheric wind measurements back to DARPA.

We first learned about ALTA last fall, when it was revealed that the program was testing the balloons to see if they can ride the wind and stay in the stratosphere indefinitely.

Right now, balloons can only stay in one area for a few days before shifting winds take them elsewhere. But as the MIT Technology Review reported, ALTA’s wind sensor-originally designed for NASA satellites-is built to spot wind speed and direction from long distances and recalibrate as necessary to stay in one area as long as needed.

That sensor, called Strat-OAWL (“stratospheric optical autocovariance wind lidar”) shines pulses of laser light into the air, and a telescope picks up the reflected light, per the Technology Review. “The wavelength of the reflected light is changed slightly depending on how fast the air it bounced back from is moving, a change known as doppler shift,” MIT reports. “By analyzing this shift, OAWL can determine the speed and direction of the wind.”

We don’t know additional details beyond what DARPA tweeted on Tuesday, so it remains unclear what this specific test is designed to accomplish (besides briefly getting our hopes up). But at least we’re now sure-well, pretty sure-that the UFOs floating above Kansas City last night come from the U.S. military, and not, sadly, some strange, distant galaxy.


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