Tuesday, June 11, 2019

US Prevents Boat From Arriving in Cuba With Help for Tornado Victims

The Cuban president affirmed that the “illegal” Helms-Burton Act threatens peace and solidarity.
The Peace Cruise which transported aid for the victims of the tornado that affected Havana last January, was prevented from docking in Cuban ports due to the restrictions imposed by the Helms-Burton Act.
In an article published in Cubadebate, the ambassador of Cuba in Japan, Carlos Miguel Pereira Hernández, said that the “Crucero por la Paz” (non-governmental organization based in Japan) should arrive in Cuba on June 13, but it will not be able to enter the port, because the vessel is US-owned.
The pacifist NGO has already been in the largest of the Antilles on 19 occasions, as part of its work in favor of peace and against nuclear weapons.

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