Monday, September 16, 2019


Starting with the Bolshevik Revolution then followed by the Chinese, these Leninist events were not revolutions*** but battles of national liberation (for as Stalin famously suggested; socialism in one country) China did not have a proletarian revolution because like Russia the proletariat was vastly outnumbered by the rural peasantry.

This was a war of national liberation by Mao and the CPC against their old allies in WWII the KMT Kuomintang under the man who would be king, Chang Kai Shek the KMT lost and were drive out of the mainland to Taiwan.

All peoples struggles after WWII were not revolutions but wars of national liberation against colonialism, a reason to support them, but they were not bourgeois revolutions for liberty, equality, fraternity, nor were they proletarian revolutions, they were military campaigns resulting in coups not unlike that of the Leninist’s in 1918 these were as Lenin called them the war communism of Otto Bismarck, by no means a socialist or communist. The State socialized all functions in the nation to one cause; War.

The conditions for the transformation of capitalism into socialism were not yet fully realized on a global level until production met the conditions of advancing technology and mass production to create a proletarian consumer culture.
The real social revolutionary movements began in 1968, in Europe in particular France but it failed the conditions left it localized. Next was Chile in not long after where a mass revolutionary movement resulted in a real social revolution within the confines of a Bourgeois revolution of Allende, but it foretold the future more than any other struggle had then or since. It looked at socialism as not just State Capitalism and Electricity as Lenin famously quipped, but rather mass production coordinated with AI , the first cyber revolution. This then showed the future of socialism more so than Cuba. But a computer monitor made a less revolutionary symbol than Che, at least in 1973.

Until globalization is complete and the whole world is developed into Fordist production moving the peasantry to the cities to create a work force there will not be and cannot be a world revolution.

Hong Kong protests: The date which has Beijing on the edge
For months, October 1 has loomed over the mass pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, as a whispered deadline for the ruling Chinese Communist Party to take action to end the unrest
*** I do not include the Spanish Civil War and Revolution 1936-39 here because it was far more a precursor to Chile 73 than it was a Leninist coup, though the Stalinists attempted that, the Spain was a social revolution led by Anarchists and Left Communists uniting the City with the country. Proletarians with Peasants against the Catholic Church and the Feudalistic State and its Fascist leader France, it was not seen as a war of National Liberation, because it too looked at itself as a broader revolution hoping to spread across Europe against the rising of Fascism, it was more than a war of National Liberation or even a premature Anti Fascist war. It was a true social revolution, ahead of its time.

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