Saturday, December 14, 2019


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More than 4,000 new cases of influenza were confirmed across the country this week as flu season shifts into high gear. The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 2.6 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations and 1,300 deaths from flu.
More than 4,000 new cases of influenza were confirmed across the country this week as flu season shifts into high gear.

A top Defense Department official sexually harassed three women on his staff and resigned from his position amid an investigation into the allegations against him, according to the department's internal watchdog.

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner space capsule is ready for its maiden voyage Dec. 20, NASA said Thursday.

The Senate gave bipartisan support to Stephen Hahn on Thursday, confirming him as President Donald Trump's pick to head the Food and Drug Administration.

Prosecutors in New York have filed a motion seeking to revoke the bail of Lev Parnas, a Ukrainian-born associate of Rudy Guiliani, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer.

The U.S. Senate has confirmed President Donald Trump's 50th appellate court judge, reaching the milestone in just three years.

The U.S. Justice Department said in a federal indictment Thursday a dozen former professional football players conspired to defraud the National Football League's health reimbursement program out of nearly $4 million.

Southwest Airlines announced Thursday it's reached a settlement with Boeing that includes compensation for losses due to the global grounding of all 737 Max airliners.

A federal judge in California has ruled against the Trump administration's efforts to divert some $3.6 billion in funding for military construction projects to build permanent barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.


The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to pass the annual defense spending bill, authorizing the creation of Space Force and passing a provision that provides all federal workers with 12 weeks paid parental leave.
The House of Representatives voted to pass the annual defense spending bill, authorizing the creation of Space Force and passing a provision that provides all federal workers with 12 weeks paid parental leave.

Many celebrated the news that House Democrats and the Trump administration agreed on the USMCA -- but this is not good news for all farming sectors. Fresh produce growers say they cannot compete with the cheap and abundant supplies of Mexican fruits and vegetables.
American farmers are split in their support for the new United States Mexico Canada trade deal.

New trade deal good for some U.S. farmers, but produce growers wary

The discovery of an ancient cave painting on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi has pushed the origins of figurative cave painting back further than ever before.


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