Monday, December 16, 2019

Who are the pilots and who are the helicopter companies ......December 11, 2019 – A new report released by the British Columbia government revealed that not only are radio-collared wolves used to lead government killers to their families, but they are left alive while the rest of their pack is killed. The BC government then uses those same wolves in following years to locate their new family members and kill them, thus repeating a vicious cycle.
The nefarious details of B.C.’s wolf-killing program, uncovered by Wolf Awareness, are published in a government report titled South Peace Caribou Recovery Following Five Years of Experimental Wolf Reduction. The methods section details “The radio-collared individuals were often left alive following the conclusion of the winter reduction efforts in order to facilitate the location of wolves the following winter.”
The B.C. government has repeatedly denied using this tactic, but the 2019 experimental report highlights their usage of this cruel strategy. The collared wolves are often known as “Judas wolves” for their unknowing betrayal of their families.
The South Peace wolf-kill program has killed more than 550 wolves under the guise of protecting an endangered caribou population, and is proposed to continue for an indefinite period.
“Knowing that wolves are highly sentient and dependent on each other for survival makes this practice unbearable to think about, yet we must. Imagine what these collared wolves experience. How many times do they have to suffer?” questions Sadie Parr, executive director of Wolf Awareness.

New Report Reveals BC Government Repeatedly Uses Wolves to Betray their Family Packs December 11, 2019 - A new report released by the British Columbia government revealed that not only are radio-colla

STOP the killing of wolves under the guise of caribou recovery!
The British Columbia government doesn't want you to know that they are planning on expanding aerial wolf gunning as well as cougar killing in more caribou ranges. Consultation on this proposal was closed to the public, but thanks to a leaked memo, many were able to stand up for caribou, for wolves, for cougars, and for the hundreds of species that make up the fragile and biodiverse forest ecosystems.

Read our RESPONSE to the BC Gov't

Highlights of the BC Wolf Killing expansion proposal include:

At least 70% of wolves are targeted for death where programs are underway, significantly harming wolf families and populations and further damaging these ecological communities. Aerial gunning is inhumane and violates Canadian guidelines for humane euthanasia of wildlife.

In addition to wolves - cougars, bears, wolverines and other carnivores are targeted for death in many caribou ranges. ALL individuals have intrinsic value and deserve respect. Removing carnivores disrupts many ecological functions and benefits of Nature.

Habitat protection is being neglected. The government continues to deny caribou and the species they cohabitate with the protection they deserve.

The killing programs are expensive and serve as a distraction from ecosystem protection. Money would be better invested in immediate habitat protection and restoration, and diversification from an economy based on exploitation of natural resources.

An individually written letter can have a huge impact on government officials. The more informed, individualized and targeted a letter is, the better. (Identical letters are counted as a single voice, and we need as many voices taken into account as possible! It also makes it more difficult for governments to adopt a standard response.)

The real culprit driving caribou to extinction is habitat loss and impoverishment. Wolves did not put caribou in this situation, we did.

Provincial governments have knowingly allowed caribou to be pushed to their brink by inviting logging, oil and gas infrastructure, access roads and motorized recreational activities into critical caribou habitat.

Aerial gunning and strangling neck snares are equally inhumane.   They cause prolonged anxiety, pain and suffering. No animal should have to experience such agony.  Simply put, the ends do not justify the means.

Killing hundreds of one species to benefit another is unethical.

Killing wolves and other carnivores over a prolonged period has major ecological repercussions, negatively impacting species, systems and important biological processes.

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