Sunday, December 15, 2019

Chinese tech firm Huawei's bullying attitude fails to win over hearts and minds | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
A French academic, Valerie Niquet, a senior research fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research, is being sued by Huawei France. The Chinese telecom giant has accused Niquet of libel, and, as @HuaweiFactsFR explained in a tweet on November 23 (in French): “In March 2019, #Huawei has filed thr...

Opinion: "[S]ince the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, came to power, he has been adamant that the Party itself must consolidate and expand its presence in society - whether in the mass media... or among all sorts of business, whether state-owned or not," writes Ilaria Maria Sala.

Chinese ambassador ‘threatens German car industry’ if Huawei is banned

Diplomat Wu Ken warns ‘there will be consequences’ if the Chinese telecoms giant is excluded and floats possibility of German cars being banned on safety grounds.
The Chinese ambassador in Berlin has stirred up a fresh controversy over the tech giant Huawei after he threatened “consequences” if it was excluded from Germany.

HKFP_Voices: Huawei is under fire online for staging the criminal prosecution of its former employee, Li Hongyuan, who was detained by the Shenzhen police for 251 days after the company accused Li of extortion, a charge for which Li was later acquitted. Global Voices gathers the reactions.
Chinese netizens slam Huawei’s legal bullying of former employee with a series of codes | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
By Oiwan Lam Huawei, the most prominent tech giant in China, is considered to be one of the most successful national brands which has established a monopoly status in the domestic market boosted by patriotic buying. However, recently the corporation was under fire for staging the criminal prosecutio...

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