Friday, December 20, 2019

The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
Traverso's version of Marxism never rises above the level of caricature and academic kitsch. Neither Marx, Lenin, Engels, or Trotsky ever promoted the idea of linearity or inevitability in history in general or in the contemporary class struggle. They were conscious polemical opponents of such ideas; at their best, so were Kautsky, Labriola, and Plekhanov, not to mention Mandel and George Novack. Traverso, for a "man of the left," seems to be satisfied with a knowledge of Marxism obtained second-hand, not from the works of the movement's founders and leaders. To tackle subjec... more »

Reading notes on Conclusion of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay Conclusion ....Classical Marxism was incapable of comprehending the nature of anti-Semitism, or of recognising the Jewish aspiration to a distinct separate identity. Actually, it shared this misconception with all intellectual and political currents that belonged to the tradition of Enlightenment, from democratic liberalism to Zionism. ....The movement founded... more »

Reading notes on Chapter 10 of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay Chapter 10: Post-war Marxism and the Holocaust ....lack of a Marxist debate on the causes, forms and consequences of the destruction of the European Jews ....During the 1940s and 1950s Marxism became an essential component of anti-fascist culture, in which the Jewish tragedy was reduced to a marginal aspect of the gigantic conflict that had ravaged Eur... more »

Reading notes on Chapter 9 of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay [N.B. There is no better place to understand Abram Leon's book The Jewish Question than the book itself, available in many places on the web, and for purchase here. Traverso in his chapter on Leon tries to have his cake and eat it, too on nearly every page: Leon is too dogmatic in his Marxism/he breaks from previous Kautsky dogmatism; Leon counterposes assi... more »

Reading notes on Chapter 8 of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay Chapter 8: The Messianic Materialism of Walter Benjamin 3 Critique of Progress ....his acceptance of Marxism was critical and, so to speak, selective. What interested him about Marxism was its subversive and revolutionary dimension, of which there no longer remained any trace in social democracy. Educated by Bernstein and Kautsky, the latter conceived ... more »

Reading notes on Chapter 7 of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay Chapter 7: From Weimar to Auschwitz: Anti-Semitism and the German Left ....Just as the German left in the nineteenth century had ignored the anti-Semitic propaganda of Richard Wagner, Heinrich von Treitschke and Hous-ton Stewart Chamberlain, under the Weimar Republic it did not pay attention to Mein Kampf. ....Nazi anti-Semitism, on the contrary, was charge... more »

Reading notes on Chapter 6 of The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso

Jay Rothermel at Marxist update - 1 week ago
The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate By Enzo Traverso Translated by Bernard Gibbons Brill, [2018] The below are my underlinings/highlightings of Traverso. My own thoughts appear, if at all, as [N.B.]. Jay Chapter 6: Gramsci and the Jewish Question [Gramsci has zero to do with the continuity of revolutionary Marxism. He, like Benjamin and the Frankfurters, have been embraced by petty bourgeois radicals and academics who traded curiosity or support for independent working class political action for the companionable teat of bourgeois public opinion every time the wo... more »



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