Thursday, January 23, 2020

  "BC Labour, the Left and Asian Exclusion, 1885-1914: Race and Racism on the West Coast"
Eoin Kelly
The history of the labour movement in British Columbia is intricately tied to the history of race and anti-Asian exclusion. Empowered by North American working class fears of Chinese labour, BC trade unions found strength in denouncing marginalized Asian labourers. Though moments of racial solidarity existed, they were few and far between. The growth of the mainstream BC labour movement, through its endorsement of anti-Asian exclusion, as well as the moments of anti-racist rejection racial solidarity, will show how racism and racialism worked to create, sustain and, occasionally, question the labour movement in British Columbia.
Location: Toronto
Publisher: History Student Association, University of Toronto
Journal Name: The Future of History
Publication Date: Sep 2016

Canada's First Internment Camps

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