Sunday, January 26, 2020

Emmanuel Macron crisis: Support plummets amid pensions protests - shock poll
LESS THAN a third of French people trust President Emmanuel Macron as his popularity continues to fall, a poll has indicated.

PUBLISHED: 12:51, Sun, Jan 26, 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron (Image: Getty)

His approval rating has fallen by further four points to just 30%, adding to the troubles afflicting his administration. The centrist’s plan to do away with France’s multiple pension schemes and replace them with a universal, points-based system sparked anger among citizens. A survey of 1,952 people by Europe Elects between January 16 - 25 revealed 68 percent of people disapprove of the President.

It's in stark contrast to polling results when Mr Macron was first election in May 2017, when the President was hitting approval ratings of about 60 percent.

Mr Macron’s tough policies appear to be at the heart of citizen’s dissatisfaction.

On Friday, a separate poll revealed 45 percent of people believe his fiscal policies had “worsened” the country’s economic situation.

France has been blighted by more than six weeks of sometimes-violent protests and wildcat strikes aimed at putting pressure on the government before it presents the final version of the pension reform bill.

The draft law looks set to go before parliament for debate on February 17.\
SNCF workers march in Paris to protest against Macron's pension reform (Image: Getty)

Although Mr Macron largely stood his ground amid the weeks-long disruption, he has agreed to scrap plans to raise the age for a full pension from 62 to 64.

Moderate unions have now dropped their strike call, however hardline unions still want the Macron administration to withdraw the plans entirely.

The protests crippled public transport and saw schools close across the country.

Former French President Nicholas Sarkozy said a dark “climate of violence” hung over the country.

The Louvre Museum in Paris was forced to close last Friday after dozens of people blocked the entrance to the famous art museum.

Hard-left unions, such as the militant CGT and FO, resorted to power cuts and port blockades.
Former French President Nicholas Sarkozy said a dark 'climate of violence' hung over the country (Image: Getty)

A protest march through Paris last Saturday ended with police firing tear gas and using a water cannon to disperse rioters.

At 14 percent of economic output, French pension spending is among the highest in the industrialised world.

The system would face a £14.3 billion deficit by 2025 if nothing is done.

Mr Macron wants to merge the country’s 42 different pension schemes into a single system.

He claims the new system will be sustainable and fairer, and has promised a minimum retirement payout of £840 (€1,000) a month.

However, critics say it will force people to work for longer for a smaller retirement payout.

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