Monday, January 27, 2020

New Labor Forum, 2015
LGBT/Q people make up a disproportionately high number of the people in many of these low-wage sectors
Amber Hollibaugh

This essay begins to explore and articulate the concept of queer precarity. Queer precarity emphasizes the particular vulnerabilities of LGBT, queer, and GNC (gender non-conforming) people to the current economic transformations. Contrary to the myth of gay affluence, research from at least the mid-1990s shows that queer and gender non-conforming people are more vulnerable to poverty than their straight and cisgendered male or female counterparts. Yet this myth is sustained by the mainstream LGBT movement and too often shared by the progressive and activist labor movement. It is a particularly destructive myth for labor organizers because LGBT/Q people make up a disproportionately high number of the people in many of these low-wage sectors. The concept of queer precarity centers LGBT/Q lives, as our multiple genders, sexualities, and orientations intersect with the lived realities of class and race. This essay seeks to develop a new political vision that centers sexuality, gender and desire in our movements for social and economic justice.

Issue: 3
Volume: 24
Page Numbers: 18-27
Publication Date: 2015
Publication Name: New Labor Forum


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