Monday, January 20, 2020

Taal Volcano's eruption would cause instant death if you're within its danger zone, warn scientists

Experts warned that those within Taal Volcano's danger zone will instantly die following a powerful eruption

By Carlo Inigo Monzon
January 20, 2020

Scientists from the Philippines warned that anyone inside the designated danger zone surrounding the Taal Volcano would instantly die if a powerful eruption occurs. They issued the serious warning after discussing the volcano's possible eruption scenarios.

Following the initial eruption of the volcano on Jan. 12, its status was raised to Alert Level 4. This means it is still in danger of erupting at any moment. As a result, local agencies and authorities established a 14-kilometer danger zone around the Taal Volcano. This marks the area that will be greatly affected by the volcano's eruption.
Twitter grab

Serious Warning On Taal's Eruption
According to Danniko Rivera, a senior science research specialist for the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), anyone within the established danger zone during an eruption will most likely die due to the intense volcanic activity. "It is hazardous because the movement [of magma will be] fast and hot," he told CNN Philippines. "[It will be] definitely deadly for someone in the vicinity."

Carlo Arcilla of the National Institute of Geological Sciences warned that once the Taal volcano erupts, it will create conditions that will be hazardous for anyone within the area. He said the temperature of the magma, which can range from 600 to 1,000 degrees Celsius, will most likely be the leading cause of death for anyone within the danger zone. "What will kill you is when you breathe in the 600-degree air, that's a fast death," he stated. "You will be burnt."
Taal Volcano, Philippines Wikimedia Commons

Possible Eruption Scenarios

According to the experts, once the Taal Volcano erupts, it will most likely cause a powerful base surge. This means the volcano will display a horizontal displacement of ash, hot gases and other volcanic fragments into the air at a speed of about 60 kilometres per hour.

Another possible eruption scenario involves the flow of magma out of the volcano's vents and into the lake surrounding Taal. The volcano could also launch rocks and other fragments several kilometers into the air, which can fatally hit people in the surrounding areas.

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