Saturday, January 11, 2020

This Trump supporter was asked what the president has done well and his answer is priceless

Posted by Sirena Bergman in news 
It's come to something when even your own fans can't think of anything you've done that's actually... good.

Yet that's where we're at, according to this video which shows a man in a Trump 2020 hat at the recent Ohio rally trying painfully hard to think of something he could publicly praise the president for and failing miserably.
A reporter asked:
What's something that you believe the president has done well?
To which he replies:
Uhh, hm... mmm, I... I... I just... I'm not really sure.
Pretty relatable, until he concludes:
I just support him.

We can only speculate as to what popped into his head when he was asked the question.

Locking children in cagesExacerbating climate changeGetting impeachedPotentially starting a war with a nuclear power? It seems understandable that the chap would be at a loss for words.

The video was posted yesterday and has since had tens of thousands of retweets.


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