Sunday, January 26, 2020

Trystes Cosmologiques: When Lévi-Strauss Met the Astrologers

Graham Douglas

In October 1969 the famous anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss gave an interview to the well-known French astrologers André Barbault and Dr Jean-Paul Nicola for the astrology magazine L'Astrologue. To the author's knowledge this interview has never been discussed in academic journals, and is here published for the first time in English translation. It is considered in the context of its time, and of the issues discussed: the Surrealist movement, which had an important influence on Lévi-Strauss's early work; the structure of the unconscious mind; and the question of causation in astrology. At the end of the interview Lévi-Strauss suggested a joint project with his interviewers to study the interpretations of serious astrologers as a way of understanding how their minds work. According to Dr Nicola, the suggestion was never developed because in his opinion there was no chance of getting astrologers to agree on how to go about it. In the last 20 years however, several theses have been devoted to similar projects.


For a critical review of predictive astrology, see Jacques Reverchon: "Value of the Astrological Judgements and Forecasts", CURA, 2003. ... It is thus that the Saturn-Neptune cycle will become the primary terrain I explore. The twentieth issue of Cahiers Astrologiques (March-April 1949 ...

André Barbault, né à Champignelles (Yonne) le 1 octobre 1921 et mort le 8 octobre 2019 à Labaroche (Haut-Rhin), est un astrologue français. Il a été à l'origine ...
by Lynn Bell. This article was published in 2018 and we are posting in memory of André Barbault who passed away this year. I remember my first encounter with ...

Mundane astrology master André Barbault has passed away, age 98. And we have just lost Ed Tamplin. We shall remember both in The Astrological Journal....

André Barbault was a prominent French astrologer and writer, the author of over 50 books. His special interest has been in Mundane astrology and how ...
The Reference in Astrology: 
The idea of Astroflash dates back to 1966 when an important product manager Mr. Roger Berthier, co-founder of the Euromarche supermarket chain, had the idea to offer to its customers their horoscope. André Barbault, the most famous French astrologer, author of numerous works, like the celebrated Zodiac Collection (Seuil) was contacted. After 8 months of teamwork with computer analysts, a first astrological product, placing side by side a psychological portrait and a long term calendar was born.Because of its initial success, they decided to market and sell the horoscope by mail-order . An advertising campaign started in 1967 and perfected by Publicis lasted until April 1968. Although the topics developed in the ads were inspired by extensive psychological analysis, their effectiveness remained mediocre.They soon discovered, however, that a press meeting was a means to attract a large number of customers. This was in May of 1968 - in a car-shop on the Champs Elysées: the "computer - astrologer" attracted the masses. The possibility to immediately obtain a personalized horoscope anonymously, and for a moderate price, proved to be conclusive.
The Astroflash Center opened its doors in September of 1968, being the first client to rent a space in the Galerie des Champs, located at 84, Avenue des Champs Elysées, in Paris: a place visited daily by thousands of people. Now the number of daily Astroflash customers is around 100 to 200. So a total of 70,000 people per year, not including mail orders.
Women come in first at around 62%.- Young people are the most interested ?- One customer out of every two is under 30.?- High income customers are outnumbered.?- Foreigners: 15 to 20%.Every social strata show an interest in Astroflash.??Famous figures coming from the Political, the Entertainment as well as the Sports World have had their horoscopes done by Astroflash. General de Gaulle's horoscope remains famous...
Since 1968, Astroflash has been creating new products and perfecting them, investing constantly, as well as translating the products in many different languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Greek, Lithuanian, Russian, and Danish).The range of horoscopes consist of essentially psychological portraits - with a special version for children. A search of affinities among partners (comparative birth charts) and long-term forecast horoscopes (6 month, solar returns).Astroflash also places a Map of the Heaven at astrologers, professionals or amateur's disposal.
Reasons for success are first the customer's satisfaction who comes from the quality of our studies: all without exception are conceptualized by two famous French astrologers: André Barbault and Jean-Pierre Nicola. Secondly, after having been stated, the elements taken into account are interpreted. The interpretation of the birth charts is made according to tradition - enriched by new elements of modern psychology.

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