Tuesday, January 07, 2020

What Rough Beast?

Patrick Murfin at Heretic, Rebel, a Thing to Flout - 7 hours ago
This *blog *returns to its *regular programing*. For the last several weeks we *indulged* in the *respite *of *light, hope, *and *music *of the *Winter holiday season. *This morning we awake from those *pleasant revels*to the *dark* and *dangerous world* that took no break. *Australia—*a whole *continent*—is an *inferno. *A *feckless leader* pushes the world to the *brink*—or maybe already passed the brink—of *cataclysm*. All the while our *country *slides towards *despotism*as the puny *Sisyphuses *in *Congress* labor to push the *pebbles of impeachment* up an *avalanching m... more »

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