Monday, January 20, 2020

White nationalist speaker heckled for denying Holocaust at Virginia gun march: ‘You are literally a neo-Nazi’

January 20, 2020By David Edwards

A white nationalist speaker who has been affiliated with neo-Nazi rhetoric was caught on video denying the Holocaust at a pro-Second Amendment march in Richmond, Virginia.

The remarks were made by former Proud Boy Jovanni Valle, who goes by the name Jovi Val. Video clips of Valle’s speech were shared on Twitter by writer Robert Evans.

“You wear a swastika and walk down the street,” a man can be heard telling Valle. “You took it off and now you are like, oh no. You are denying the existence of the Holocaust.”

“Why should I answer your questions when you haven’t answered any of mine?” Valle asks. “Why is it you say 6 million [died in the Holocaust], when 30 million die, when 70 million die, you don’t care.”
“You’re trying to hide the fact that you are literally a neo-Nazi!” someone shouts at Valle.

A right-wing protester is later seen complaining to Valle that supporting Adolf Hitler is a “liberal” position.

Watch some of the clips below.

Jovi Val here, denying the Holocaust. So we have a Nazi loudly expressing himself here.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

Jovi Val, admitting to being a National Socialist, here on camera.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

An interesting moment here, as a right wing demonstrator is incensed at Jovi and his friends expressing support for Hitler. He calls Jovi a "liberal". One of Jovi's people desperately tries to convince the man that Jovi is on the right.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

Happy MLK day everybody.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

It's like being back in Iraq, only no one knows how to use the weapons!

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

This man has decided today is the day to show off his $10,000 rifle.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

"Rooftop Voter". I wonder what that means.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

I ask one Proud Boy what his RWDS badge stands for. He is unwilling to answer.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

Took a quick trip but I am back out in it. Notice the Confederate flag at the end.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

"Slide it in like a gentleman."

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

Finally, some Qanon.

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 20, 2020

Conservatives rage after Westworld actor Jeffrey Wright compares armed protest to Klan rally

January 20, 2020 By Travis Gettys

Actor Jeffrey Wright kicked a hornet’s nest of conservative fury by comparing an armed protest in Virginia to a Ku Klux Klan rally.

The star of HBO’s Westworld three James Bond films mocked the Richmond gun rally in a tweet linking to a Washington Post article on the armed demonstration, and noted the event was scheduled on Martin Luther King Day.

“The organizers aren’t at all bothered that a gun circle jerk in Richmond, VA on #MLKDay has a Klan-rally smell to it?” Wright tweeted. “Wonder why.”

The organizers aren’t at all bothered that a gun circle jerk in Richmond, VA on #MLKDay has a Klan-rally smell to it? Wonder why.

— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) January 20, 2020

Conservatives howled in rage.

Jeffrey Wright – Pathetic human being.
— Patriot Trainer (@AmericasValues) January 20, 2020

Actor Jeffrey Wright sees a pro-2nd Amendment gathering and immediately labels it a Klan rally. Sensationalistic Hollywood gobshite, but the scenario makes for a cheap C-list movie. Haven't we seen that one before?? I'll just call Wright, 'Re-Run' from now onwards.
— Thomas Lane (@ThomasL16765780) January 20, 2020

Yeah, and Jeffrey Wright has a Commie smell to him!
— Samuel Sayer -"Are we not men?!" H.G. Wells (@SamuelTheSayer) January 20, 2020

Actor Jeffrey Wright: Virginia Gun Rights Gathering Has a 'Klan Rally Smell to It'

Marci Newman Kitcho  
(@MarciKitcho) January 20, 2020

And Jeffrey Wright's Asinine comment has a 'Really Stupid Smell' to it. I wonder who wrote that comment for him? Maybe it was 'Slow Joe' Biden or the Idiot Governor of Virginia.
— Lakewood Bob (@lakewoodbob) January 20, 2020

Jeffrey Wright is just showing his own personal Blancophobic Racism. Hes a bigot, hes the face of prejudiced hate.
— NC Zero (@NC_Zero) January 20, 2020

Pretender Jeffrey Wright is a moron.
— Pete Garcia  
(@Pete4709) January 20, 2020

Please enlightened one Jeffrey Wright, tell us what a Klan Rally smells like without showing your utter ignorance.
— Jeff McCutcheon (@jgmccut) January 20, 2020

Jeffrey Wright has a BullSh*t smell to him!
— I Party w/ Jesus (@ERBALIZT) January 20, 202


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