Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Xi says China fighting 'demon' virus as nations prepare airlifts

Xi says China fighting 'demon' virus as nations prepare airlifts

Many streets in Beijing are nearly 
 amid fears over the coronavirus epidemic -- with the death
 toll soaring above 100, China and foreign governments
are stepping up measures to try to contain it

China is battling a "demon" virus that has so far killed more than 100 people, President Xi Jinping said Tuesday, as nations readied planes to airlift foreigners trapped at the epicentre of the outbreak.

Xi made his remarks during talks with the head of the World Health Organization in Beijing amid growing global concerns about a novel coronavirus that has infected thousands in China and reached more than a dozen other countries.

In a development that could cause more jitters abroad, Japan and Germany reported the first confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission outside of China.
AFP / Naohiko HattaChinese President Xi Jinping speaks during a 
meeting with World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom 
 Ghebreyesus (not pictured) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
 -- he called the epidemic a "demon"

The infection is believed to have originated in a wild animal market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where it jumped to humans before spreading rapidly across the country, prompting authorities to enact drastic nationwide travel restrictions in recent days.

Countries are also concerned about the fate of thousands of foreigners stuck in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people that has been sealed off by Chinese authorities in a bid to contain the disease.

Tokyo deployed a plane to the virus-stricken metropolis late Tuesday that was scheduled to repatriate Japanese nationals on Wednesday, the same day that a US aircraft is expected to bring American citizens back to their homeland.

France and South Korea are also planning to fly out their citizens later this week, and several other countries, including Germany, were considering doing the same.

"Chinese people are currently engaged in a serious struggle against an epidemic of a new type of coronavirus infection," Xi told WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

"The epidemic is a demon, and we cannot let this demon hide," the Chinese leader said, pledging that the government would be transparent and release information in a "timely" manner.

AFP / NICOLAS ASFOURI  Fever checks are being conducted
 across China, even at this condo building in Beijing -- anger
 is simmering on Chinese social media over the official
 response to the health emergencyHis comments came after anger simmered on Chinese social media over the handling of the health emergency by local officials in central Hubei province.

Some experts have praised Beijing for being more reactive and open about this crisis as compared to its handling of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 2002-2003.

But others say local cadres were more focused on projecting stability earlier in January than adequately responding to the outbreak during regional political meetings.

Since then, the number of cases has soared -- doubling to more than 4,500 in the past 24 hours.

- Contagion abroad -

The WHO last week stopped short of declaring the outbreak a global emergency, which could have prompted a more aggressive international response such as travel restrictions.

Until Tuesday, all reported cases in more than a dozen countries had involved people who had been in or around Wuhan.

Face masks are being used as a frontline defense in China 
and around the world against the deadly coranavirus -- here,
 a passenger is seen arriving at London's Heathrow airport

But in Japan, a man in his 60s apparently contracted the virus after driving two groups of tourists from the city earlier in January, the health ministry said.

And a 33-year-old German man contracted the disease from a Chinese colleague from Shanghai who visited Germany last week, according to health officials.

Vietnam has been investigating a possible case of human-to-human transmission.

The development came after countries including Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines announced tighter visa restrictions for people coming from China.

China has taken its own drastic steps to stop the virus, which health officials say is passed on between people through sneezing or coughing, and possibly through physical contact.

AFP / Patricio ARANA Countries or territories with confirmed cases of 
the new 2019 novel coronavirus

Zhong Nanshan, a renowned scientist at China's National Health Commission, told the official Xinhua news agency on Tuesday that the outbreak could peak in a week or 10 days.

Authorities initially sealed off Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province late last week, trapping more than 50 million people.

China has since extended the Lunar New Year holiday to keep people indoors as much as possible, and suspended a wide range of train services.

On Tuesday, authorities urged Chinese citizens to delay any foreign travel "to protect the health and safety of Chinese and foreign people".

Wuhan, meanwhile, has been turned into a near ghost-town under a lockdown that has largely confined the industrial hub's residents to their homes.

With a ban on car traffic, the streets were nearly deserted apart from the occasional ambulance -- although the city's hospitals are overwhelmed.

"Everyone goes out wearing masks and they are worried about the infection," said David, a Chinese man who works in Shanghai but ended up trapped in Wuhan after it was put under quarantine.

Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 in which he suggested how the second law of thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated. In the thought experiment, a demon controls a small door between two chambers of gas.

Maxwell's equations represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state 
the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. From them one can develop ...

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