Saturday, February 08, 2020

Photo of Trump with pale ring around orange face prompts ridicule, hilarity and Panda comparisons

Donald Trump on the south lawn of the White House on 7 February 2020: EPA
Donald Trump on the south lawn of the White House on 7 February 2020: EPA

It may be the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere, but Donald Trump’s radiant salmon-coloured suntan has not dimmed even one lumen.
The president’s curious complexion has long been a subject of intense scrutiny, chiefly among critics and comedians, with Mr Trump previously blaming his heightened facial luminosity on the glare of energy efficient lightbulbs – which he then threatened to ban.
But a new photograph of the president outside on a windy day away from any source of artificial lighting, has delivered important new evidence on the matter, revealing the full extent of his dermal colour scheme – which does not even reach the edge of his face

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