Saturday, February 15, 2020

Ghana is the second largest cocoa producer in the world. Still, many Ghanaians have yet to taste chocolate: The precious commodity is largely for export. The cocoa farmers in this resource-rich country also usually see little of the profit. Crossing the Lake Volta in central with ferries and water taxis can be a dangerous business. Many farmers from remote villages cross the world's largest artificial lake several times a week to sell their produce at local markets. The journey can be tricky, especially during storms or if they are transporting livestock. The belief that death is the gateway to eternal life is deeply rooted in the West African country, and funerals are an important social event there. Coffins symbolize the deceased’s profession - for example, shaped like fish, sewing machines, bibles, bush taxis or cocoa beans - and funerals are rarely a gloomy affair and often more like a carnival. The splendor of the funeral and the number of mourners attending reflect the standing of the deceased’s family in the community.

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