Monday, February 24, 2020

Marianne Williamson endorses Sanders at Texas rally
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 02/23/20

Former 2020 candidate and author Marianne Williamson endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for the Democratic nomination on Sunday at his rally in Austin, Texas.

In a surprise appearance at the rally, Williamson told attendees that Sanders's strong performance a day earlier in the Nevada caucuses made it clear that the energy in the 2020 cycle was "unquestionably" with his campaign.
"What happened in Nevada on Saturday was extraordinary, and the energy is unquestionably with Bernie," Williamson said in a statement released through Twitter.

"I am honored to endorse him," she added.
My statement of endorsement.— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) February 23, 2020

Her endorsement comes a day after Sanders's dominant victory in the Nevada caucuses. He won more than 40 percent of the overall vote, while his closest competitors failed to break 20 percent. The contest marks the third in a row in which Sanders has won the popular vote.

The Vermont senator has focused his efforts in recent days on Super Tuesday states and South Carolina, where former Vice President Joe Biden remains on top in some polling.

Williamson previously appeared at several Democratic debates during the 2020 cycle before dropping out in the days leading up to the Iowa caucuses.  

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