Sunday, February 09, 2020

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Wants to Legalize Drugs (As in All Drugs)


Hunter DeRensis,The National Interest•February 7, 2020

The New Hampshire primary on Tuesday will prove a make or break moment for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. After having collected no popular support from the questionable Iowa caucus results, the congresswoman is relying on what has been a consistent 4-5% base of support in the Granite State.

Gabbard, whose key platform issue is an overhaul of the U.S. foreign policy establishment and opposition to “regime change wars,” as also staked herself out as the most progressive 2020 Democratic candidate when it comes to drug legalization.

When asked by a New Hampshire voter what she would about the “unjust” War on Drugs, Gabbard agreed with the voter’s suggestion to “legalize and regulate narcotics.” To justify that position, Gabbard mentioned the country of Portugal, which legalized all drugs in 2001.

“I think that when you look at the statistics that come out of countries like Portugal that have taken that ‘extreme’ step…the fears, and the myths, and the stigma around taking that stuff should be set aside,” she said. “Because ultimately what you see is there are fewer and fewer people who are unnecessarily being incarcerated, and there are more people who need help who are actually getting the help that they need.”


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