Friday, February 21, 2020

'This is not violence': Counter-protesters tear down blockade on CN rail line in Edmonton



One of the organizers said they had planned to maintain the blockade until Justin Trudeau intervened and the RCMP left Wet’suwet’en territory

The Canadian Press
Colette Derworiz and Daniela Germano

February 19, 2020

EDMONTON — A blockade set up on a Canadian National rail line on the western edge of Edmonton in support of Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs was being dismantled — at least temporarily — Wednesday after a handful of counter-protesters showed up.

About 20 people called Cuzzins for Wet’suwet’en had set up barriers early in the day in solidarity with the chiefs who oppose a natural gas pipeline through their traditional land in British Columbia.

The blockade consisted of wooden pallets on the tracks and signs that say “No Consent” and “No Pipelines on Stolen Land.”

One of the organizers, who was wearing a balaclava and called himself Poundmaker to protect his safety, said they had planned to maintain the blockade until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau intervened and the RCMP left Wet’suwet’en territory in B.C.

Confrontations with counter-protesters at the site, however, led Poundmaker and the others to abandon the blockade. They said they wanted to keep it peaceful.

Poundmaker didn’t rule out erecting a blockade again at the site or somewhere else. “Site 1 wasn’t the only site we had in mind.”

A counter protester argues with a protester as supporters of the indigenous Wet’suwet’en Nation’s hereditary chiefs camp at a blockade along the CN rail line in Edmonton, Feb. 19, 2020. Codie McLachlan/Reuters

Wet’suwet’en supporters linked arms in front their camp as a few counter-protesters tried to remove pallets and other materials from the tracks.

“This is the violence. See this is the violence,” said a protester, who had his face covered.

“This is not violence. I am just trying to remove some garbage,” a counter-protester responded.

Guy Simpson, an oilfield worker from Leduc, Alta., said he decided to show up at the blockade after seeing it on social media.

“One blockade at a time. I’ll clean it up,” he said after loading some items from the camp onto his pickup truck.

Simpson and other counter-protesters removed the wooden pallets and other materials that were on the tracks.

Another man with a beard and a ball cap and driving a black pickup truck stopped on the road over the tracks and yelled at the protesters from his window. “There’s a lot of hard-working people out of work,” he told them. “I’m taking time out of work right now so I can tell you punks to get to work.”

A protester sarcastically replied: “You really showed us.”

The pickup driver shouted as he drove off: “Why don’t you guys just drop dead? You can’t even uncover your faces.” 
A protester tries to block counter protesters from tearing down a blockade along the CN rail line in Edmonton, Feb. 19, 2020. David Bloom/Postmedia

Poundmaker said he knows people are upset that the blockades across the country are affecting the economy and jobs.

“I know they think we’re coming after oil and gas,” he said. “But we’re focused on justice for Indigenous people right now. We’re focused on trying to build a future for everyone.”

CN said in a statement earlier Wednesday that CN police and local police had responded to the blockade.

Later in the day, an Edmonton judge granted the company a 30-day injunction applying to all rail lines in Alberta. CN lawyers had argued that the company has nothing to do with the dispute and is being hurt economically by the blockades.

Lawyers said a train was bearing down on the blockade at about 4:30 a.m. when CN received an anonymous phone tip about the protest on the tracks. The train stopped 20 cars short of the blockade.

They said the blockade had held up 14 trains by lunchtime, backing up traffic and threatening perishable and hazardous goods.

Alberta Justice Minister Doug Schweitzer said he expects police to enforce the order on any other blockades.

“Albertans will not be economic hostages while lawbreakers block critical infrastructure such as rail lines,” he wrote on Twiter.

Hereditary chief says RCMP must 'pick up everything and go' before he meets with ministers

Premier Jason Kenney, who has been critical of the blockades popping up across the country, said he expected police to respect and enforce court orders.

He planned to be on an afternoon conference call with all of Canada’s premiers about the blockades.

“These illegal blockades — there is people losing their jobs, blue-collar people, vulnerable people,” he said in Calgary.

“What is happening here is anarchy.”

The Coastal GasLink pipeline the hereditary chiefs oppose has already received approval from elected band councils.

Protests began after the RCMP moved in to enforce an injunction to keep hereditary chiefs and their supporters away from pipeline worksites. Blockades by Indigenous people and supporters have shut down a good part of CN’s rail network, suspended most Via Rail passenger service, and temporarily blocked traffic on streets and bridges and at ports in multiple cities.
A protester tries to block counter protesters from tearing down a blockade along the CN rail line in Edmonton, Feb. 19, 2020. David Bloom/Postmedia

The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations, which represents 16 First Nations across Alberta, said in a statement that it supports the hereditary chiefs.

“We call upon law enforcement officials to ensure safety of peaceful land protectors and the railway workers,” said Grand Chief William Morin.

He urged the RCMP to leave Wet’suwet’en territory and asked that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and B.C. Premier John Horgan meet with the Wet’suwet’en “to resolve this in a peaceful manner for all Indigenous Peoples and Canadians.”

In Ottawa, Trudeau said his government is trying to find a resolution, but he also acknowledged the economic affect the rail blockades are having across the country.

“We know that people are facing shortages. They’re facing disruptions. They’re facing layoffs. That’s unacceptable,” he said.

“That’s why we’re going to continue working extremely hard with everyone involved to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.”

— With files from Bill Graveland in Calgary and Dean Bennett in Edmonton

Counter-protesters demolish rail blockade

Protesters set up camp around 4 a.m. on Wednesday.

About half-a-dozen counter protesters dismantle a blockade built by First Nations protesters on a CN Rail line west of Edmonton on Wednesday afternoon. The blockade of wood and barrels was constructed to show solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en protesters who are currently embroiled in a battle with RCMP and the Coastal GasLink project on First Nations’ territory in B.C. CHRIS COLBOURNE/St. Albert Gazette
A group of around a dozen counter-protesters tore down a rail blockade southeast of St. Albert.
Early Wednesday morning, a group of protesters set up a camp near the Winterburn Industrial Area close to Acheson to show solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en blockades taking place in B.C.
The camp set up early in the morning and dozens of protesters blocked the rail tracks with a car and wooden pallets that read, "No consent" and "Reconciliation is dead.” A car also blocked the tracks.
Protesters let vehicle traffic through but early in the morning protesters said a train had approached the tracks and one of the protesters laid down on the tracks to stop the passing of the train.
One man, who went by the pseudonym Poundmaker, said they were standing in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en protests.
“These blockades could be solved so easily but I think we are just going to see the government talk, talk, talk and then just raid our territories again.”
Poundmaker said the only thing that will stop the blockades is Coastal GasLink and RCMP removal from Wet’suwet’en territory.
During the noon hour counter-protesters gathered and attempted to tear down the camp and push past the protest. They tried to push past protesters into their camps, take down the pallets and rolled away garbage cans next to the camp.
The counter-protesters backed a truck up next to the camp and started trying to load parts of the camp into the truck.
An older woman, Arlene Seegerts, hopped into the back of the truck with another protester trying to pry their items back from the men.
As the counter-protest group grew in size, they became more vocal and bold.
“Your violence is not welcome here,” protester Michael James told the counter-protesters.
The men shouted at the protesters telling them to get jobs and said their camp looked like litter and they were just cleaning it up.
“You liberal paid friggin' protesters can go away,” a counter-protester shouted.
James said he was standing with the First Nation people to make sure their human rights aren’t being abused.
“This is a peaceful protest and we're exercising our democratic right (which) is a right to protest in this country,” James said.
“We just want people to have a dialogue. You don't need violence. You guys, you can see the violence is coming at us. It's not something that we're bringing,” James said.
James noted he was also brought out because of his concerns over the climate crisis.
Seegerts said the Wet’suwet’en people are standing up for the rights of all Indigenous people to live peacefully in their territories.
"If those rights go, everybody's rights go. There won't be an Indigenous person here to claim to have any rights if the government takes them," Seegerts said.
"Yes, it is about the pipeline but that's not the issue. The issue is a violation of Indigenous rights to live on their own lands and their own territories, the right to free, prior and informed consent of what comes on to those lands and what doesn't."
As drivers passed the camp, many told them they are blocking farmers from getting their grain out and one man told the protesters to “drop dead.”
As the counter-protesters pushed on, some of the protesters shouted back and a couple of people tried to wrestle their items back, but the majority formed a human chain and began singing the Strong Woman song.
As the crowd was singing, a process server arrived and dropped off a court injunction at the feet of everyone forming a human chain.
With the counter-protesters becoming increasingly aggressive and a court injunction being served, the protesters decided they needed to pack up their camp.
“The violence that these counter protesters are bringing, we're not comfortable with. We are peaceful protesters,” James said.
While the protesters were preparing to leave, the counter-protesters continued to tear down their camp, filling up a trailer behind a truck.

Court injunction

On Wednesday afternoon, Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Paul Belzil ruled in favour of CN and granted an emergency injunction to the rail line. The injunction will apply province-wide for 30 days, and police can be called to serve and enforce that order.
A lawyer for CN told the court that eastbound and westbound cars carrying perishables, industrial products and flammables were stopped, which would have a “severe” impact on the Canadian economy.
Another lawyer said the blockade is creating a serious safety issue.

Poll Results

Should protesters be allowed to block Canada's rail lines?

Yes, making a stand against climate change is important27 votes 11.34 %
No, they are breaking the law and should be arrested211 votes 88.66 %

Total votes: 238

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