Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Violent clashes have broken out on the streets of Baghdad between supporters of the powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr and the wider anti-government protest movement following last week’s appointment of Iraqi prime minister delegate Mohammed Allawi.

After months of anti-government demonstrations in Iraq, protesters were united in their calls for change. But a split has now appeared between the powerful cleric Moqtada al Sadr, who supports the new prime minister, and the wider protest movement that opposes him.

Hundreds of demonstrators have been evicted from a towering Turkish restaurant, a symbol of the Baghdad protests, by al Sadr’s men.

"This place was taken by infiltrators and saboteurs who encouraged violence, and that’s why the revolution was being diverted," said Abu Ahmed, a member of Sadr's militia, Saraya al Salam.

The protesters deny this and accuse the Sadrists of crushing the movement to bolster the new prime minister.

The return of Sadr’s armed and violent men, recognisable by their blue caps, was seen by protesters as yet another betrayal.

Few were willing to talk out of fear of reprisals.

“They’re using sticks, they’re using knives, they don’t let us speak freely,” said Ghassan Saber, a protester, who spoke to FRANCE 24 away from the Sadrists’ watchful eyes.

Rival protesters clash in Iraq as unrest continues
Issued on: 04/02/2020

Anti-government protesters in Iraq treating wounded colleagues,
 February 4 2020. © FRANCE 24 - screengrab
Text by:FRANCE 24Follow

Anti-government demonstrators faced off against followers of influential cleric Moqtada Sadr across Iraq on Tuesday, a day after one demonstrator was killed in a clash between the two sides.

The split has been caused over the nomination of Mohammad Allawi as Iraq’s new prime minister.

Tensions have been high in protest squares in recent days between youths furious at Allawi’s nomination and Sadrists.

On Monday, a demonstrator was stabbed to death and three others wounded after Sadr supporters, known as 'blue hats'; attacked an anti-regime rally, medics and security sources said.

Allawi, 65, was nominated on February 1 after two months of political stalemate over who would replace ex-premier Adel Abdel Mahdi, who resigned in December.

Allawi has vowed to ensure justice for protest-related violence.

Hundreds of people have been killed in Iraq since anti-government protests started last October and NGOs have reported kidnappings of political activists.

Watch this special FRANCE 24 report by Ibrahim Saleh and Carys Garland.

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