Thursday, March 12, 2020

GOP uses emergency bill for coronavirus testing to fight about abortion

Source: American Independent

By Emily Singer -March 12, 2020

The White House is trying to kill legislation to fund coronavirus testing by adding anti-abortion language to it.

The White House is objecting to a Democratic bill that would fund coronavirus testing kits for all Americans by demanding that unrelated anti-abortion language be added to the legislation.

House Democrats introduced the "Families First" bill on Thursday, which, along with providing funding for coronavirus test kits, would also call for mandatory paid sick leave for all workers, and ensure that poor Americans hurt by the economic impact of the virus would have access to food security.

But the White House is opposed to the bill, with Donald Trump saying that the bill is filled with "goodies" Democrats have wanted to pass for years.

And in an apparent effort to build opposition to the bill, Republicans, including first son Donald Trump Jr., are claiming the $1 billion in funding the Democratic bill would make available for coronavirus testing would actually be an "abortion slush fund."

Read more:

Republicans Are Opposing Paid Sick Leave & Holding Up Free Coronavirus Testing-- Over Abortion

'Republicans are opposing paid sick leave and holding up free coronavirus testing over abortion.' 

 By Laura Clawson For Daily Kos Labor, March 12, 2020.

Senate Republicans have backed down on the threat to wait until after a week-long recess to consider the House coronavirus response bill, and have canceled recess. But that doesn’t mean they’re gearing up to be reasonable about protecting families from the economic impact of the pandemic. “Per multiple sources, there are 2 issues emerging as sticking points in negotiations between the White House and Speaker Pelosi on the Coronavirus aid bill: paid sick leave and abortion,” NBC's Alex Moe tweeted. It’s a close call which of these is more shocking (without being all that surprising)—that Republicans are balking at paid sick leave during a pandemic or that Republicans are somehow turning pandemic response into an abortion fight.

The issue at play, abortion-wise, is that Republicans want to add anti-abortion language to the bill. That scans—as something ruthlessly partisan politicians with no regard for health or safety would do. It also comes in the context of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell having warned about the House Democrats’ bill—the one with the sick leave and coronavirus testing—being “an ideological wish list that was not tailored closely to the circumstances.”

According to the Daily Caller (no, I’m not linking), the issue was “a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.” So Democrats called for funding to cover laboratory costs of testing for coronavirus, and Republicans said no, because it would set a precedent that the federal government could spend money on health care without explicitly excluding abortion? IT’S CORONAVIRUS TESTING. But oh noes, it would set a precedent.

According to Politico Playbook, “The two sides resolved issues over federal funding of abortion in a separate bill that will also hit the floor.” Then there’s paid sick leave. Which is at least a relevant issue here. In fact, it’s one of the absolute central issues: People who may miss weeks of work because they’re sick, caring for a sick loved one, or caring for a child whose school is closed should not face hunger and eviction or foreclosure for it. We should not want these people going about their daily lives infecting other people, even if we lack the basic humanity to say they shouldn’t have to suffer through working while sick.

Paid sick leave is, for the record, extremely popular with the public...


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