Thursday, March 12, 2020

Russian city cancels holy procession to cure coronavirus - over fears of coronavirus

Believers in western city of Lipetsk had hoped to pray away the pandemic

Oliver Carroll Moscow correspondent 12/3/2020

Sergei Bobylev/TASS

The rest of the world may have descended into panic and pandemonium over the coronavirus pandemic, but for a while Orthodox devotees in the Russian city of Lipetsk believed they had found a fail-proof way to a cure.

A religious group going by the name of the “Holy Royal Martyrs” intended to delegate the problem of banishing Covid-19 from Lipetsk to God – by organising a “holy automobile procession” through the city. Organisers said the idea to give a “spiritual push to banish the virus woe” came about after “multiple requests” from believers.

Approximately 50 such fanatics were ready to join in the event this Sunday.

But the procession was not to be after city authorities scuppered plans over public health fears. Now the group will be forced to pray away the virus in the safety of their churches and their own homes.

“We ask followers to sing hymns and read prayers against coronavirus,” Yury Bernikov, the group’s spiritual leader wrote on his social media page.

Earlier in the week, Lipetsk local authorities closed schools and introduced a ban on all mass cultural and sport gatherings. The restrictions, which are due to last two weeks, mirrored similar measures introduced across the country.

Moscow, home to over 12 million often densely populated people, has for over a week been subject to severe restrictions and a regime of “high alert.”

Thousands of flights coming from the seven countries deemed to be most at risk — China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, France, Spain and Germany — have been cancelled. Those who have been in any one of these countries are also being asked to self-isolate for a period of two weeks.

Speaking on Wednesday, prime minister Mikhail Mishustin said that such measures have enabled the country to limit the impact of the virus in Russia.

“Despite the seriousness of the situation abroad, we have managed to keep the risk of transmission to a minimum,” he said. 


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