Wednesday, March 11, 2020

'Shame on you, people': Tattoo artist whose design was altered for Greta stickers speaks out   ITS STILL A SEXIST TAT

Artist threatening lawsuit over Greta decal

An Argentinian tattoo artist says his art was stolen and altered to make the Greta decal.

Tattoo artist says design was altered for 'Greta' decal.

Argentinian artist German Canalla says fans told him his art was being used to make the controversial decal.

EDMONTON -- An Argentinian tattoo artist says X-Site Energy Services altered his design to make the decal that appears to show Greta Thunberg in a sex act, and he wants to take legal action.

German Canalla told CTV News Edmonton he received a message on Instagram alerting him of his art being turned into disturbing stickers of the climate activist.

"I was like, 'What the f***," Canalla said. "I was really shocked and surprised."

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Canalla's drawing, of which he made four or five and sold around the world, shows a pair of hands holding the braids of a woman from behind. The altered imaged included "Greta" on the female's back and the X-Site Energy Services logo.

Canalla says his work is erotic and about consensual sex, but "never about rape and child abuse."

The Argentine said he's currently looking for a copyright lawyer to sue X-Site Energy Services.

"What the f*** are you thinking? It's horrible. This is a teenager, trying to do something good for the world … shame on you, people."

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