Thursday, March 12, 2020

Violence as Chile marks right-winger Pinera's two years in power

Issued on: 12/03/2020

A demonstrator with a placard that reads "Get out Pinera"
 takes part in a protest against Chile's government in Santiago,
 Chile, March 11, 2020. © Cristobal Saavedra Voguel, REUTERS


Students clashed with riot police in Chile's capital Santiago during protests that marked the second anniversary of conservative President Sebastian Pinera taking office on Wednesday.

The protests coincided with the 30th anniversary of Chile's return to democracy after Augusto Pinochet's 1973-1990 dictatorship.

During a ceremony in Santiago, Pinera said that 30 years of democratic rule in Chile had been a "fertile" period that dragged eight million Chileans out of poverty.

But he also recognized shortcomings and inequalities that hurt "the soul of our nation."

"We have not sufficiently taken into account the fears and shortcomings of our middle class. We have not progressed strongly enough towards full equality between men and women. We have not fought with sufficient will against the abuses and the privileges of others," said Pinera.

Fueled by outrage at Pinera and the Chilean elite that controls most of the country's wealth, the South American nation has seen since October its worst social unrest since the transition to democracy in 1990.

Thirty people have been killed in the protests, many as a result of a heavy-handed police response condemned as repressive by UN investigators. Thousands have been wounded.

The main aim of the continuing protests is to pressure Pinera to expand social reforms he has already proposed.

The most serious of Wednesday's disturbances occurred outside the landmark National Institute school in the center of Santiago, just a few blocks from the presidential palace, where police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse stone-throwing students.

The demonstration gained momentum through the afternoon, when other protesters joined the students.

"Before, we protested in Plaza Italia, and now we are here," said Rodrigo Lagos, a teacher, referring to the square where most of the protests have begun.

"If (Pinera) doesn't leave the easy way, he's going to have to leave the hard way," added the 46-year-old.

The clashes disrupted traffic through the center of Santiago for several hours.

Similar incidents took place elsewhere in the capital, as demonstrators responded to social media appeals to protest against Pinera.

Several metro stations were shut because of the violence, and some transport routes to the south of the city were suspended.


Students protest as Chile marks 30 years of democracy
The Chilean government celebrated 30 years of democracy in the country. Students, however, staged massive protests to call out the president’s response to income inequality.

As Chile celebrated three decades of democracy on Wednesday, students across the national capital ramped up protests against President Sebastian Pinera over income inequality in the country.

"We must combat violence and care for our democracy," said Pinera, in a speech at the presidential palace. "Democracy is never guaranteed."

Read more: Chile president under fire over gender violence remarks

Chile has seen a series of mass protests against inequality since October last year, when the government attempted to raise metro fares. Pinera has been under fire for the strong police response to these protests, including a liberal use of tear gas.

Students have taken an active part in these civil disobedience protests, even blocking public transportation by sitting with their legs dangling over the lines at multiple metro stations. One of the top trending topics on Twitter in Chile has been #FueraPinera or "Pinera Out."

Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet handed over power to Patricio Aylwin on March 11, 1990, which marked the country's return to democracy after Pinochet came to power in 1973. Numerous cases of government excesses — including torture and killings — were reported during this period.

Brutal beating by Chilean police caught on CCTV

Multiple cases of police brutality have been reported during protests against Pinera, who has been in office for two years. Many opposition legislators chose to boycott the celebratory event at the presidential palace in light of the authorities' response to protesters.

Pinera addressed the protests during his speech, as he talked about the "many problems that have caused great pain to the soul of our nation and that undoubtedly require the commitment and contribution of all Chileans."

see/rc (Reuters, dpa)

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New clashes between protesters and police in Chile

Date 12.03.2020
Related Subjects Chile
Keywords Chile, protests, income inequality, student protests

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