Sunday, March 15, 2020

Terrifying security camera footage shows Tennessee tornado's rampage through Nashville
Rachel WegnerJoshua Bote USA TODAY NETWORK

NASHVILLE – A Metro Nashville Police Department camera captured a terrifying scene as a tornado rampaged through a Nashville street.

The shaky footage, shared on Thursday, showed the severity of the tornado that hit the area, along with Middle Tennessee, on March 3. The tornadoreached wind speeds of up to 175 mph.

Soon after a car drives through the street, winds begin to intensify rapidly. The video looks more and more severe by the second, as lights flicker in and out and downed objects become barely visible through the grainy, damaged camera.

"The camera continued to record on battery power for a short time after it lost electricity," the police department said in a tweet. "Despite water damage to the camera housing, the stored video survived."

Nashville and other parts of Middle Tennessee are still cleaning up and recovering after tornadoes tore a path of destruction through the region.


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