Saturday, April 11, 2020

Opposition Parties Reach Deal With Feds Over $73-Billion Wage Subsidy Bill
The Liberals’ wage subsidy bill is up for debate as Parliament reconvenes Saturday.


Canadian Press

OTTAWA — The Trudeau government has struck a deal with opposition parties to swiftly approve a massive $73-billion wage subsidy program aimed at helping businesses and workers survive the economic ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Passage of legislation needed to implement the program was assured Saturday after Conservatives dropped their attempt to tie the bill to the longer-term question of how Parliament should function in the midst of a national health crisis.

At a morning news conference just hours before the House of Commons met for a rare emergency sitting on the Easter long weekend, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said his party had agreed to support passage of the bill and to continue discussions on the future of Parliament later.

Under the bill, which is expected to pass the Commons and the Senate and receive royal assent later Saturday, the federal government will pay companies 75 per cent of the first $58,700 normally earned by employees, up to $847 per week for up to 12 weeks. The subsidy is retroactive to March 15 and will be available to companies that lost 15 per cent of their revenue in March or 30 per cent in April or May.

Finance Minister Bill Morneau said the money will begin to flow within two to five weeks, with the government working to get it started in the shortest possible time.

Scheer said that Conservatives had won some improvements to the bill over the past week of negotiations and that their support for the wage subsidy was never dependent on settling the matter of how or when Parliament should sit going forward.

That said, Scheer argued that the work of opposition parties to improve the legislation demonstrates how important it is to have the Commons sitting regularly so that the government can be held to account.

“This shows that during times of crisis, Parliament needs to play its role,” he said.

Scheer reiterated his party’s conten
tion that the Commons should sit — with reduced numbers — four days a week.

This shows that during times of crisis, Parliament needs to play its role.Andrew Scheer

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has argued that in-person sittings present a health risk for Commons clerks, administrators, security and cleaners who’d have to come to work at a time when all Canadians are being urged to stay home to curb the spread of the deadly virus. He’s also argued that small sittings — like Saturday’s sitting of just 32 MPs who are primarily within driving distance of the capital — would shut out MPs from all corners of the country.

Trudeau’s Liberals have been promoting the idea of virtual sittings of Parliament. Commons Speaker Anthony Rota has instructed Commons administration to consult with experts about the logistics and technology required for virtual sittings, with the goal of having them up and running within four weeks.

But Scheer said: “We can’t wait that long.”

He suggested that in-person sittings should be held until virtual sittings can be implemented.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said he’s open to discussing either virtual sittings or “limited” in-person sittings. But Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet said he would never agree to regular, in-person sittings.

ADRIAN WYLD/CPNDP Leader Jagmeet Singh speaks at a caucus

 meeting in Ottawa on Jan. 22, 2020.

For the past couple of weeks, the Commons finance and health committees have been meeting weekly via teleconference. As part of the deal to speedily pass the wage subsidy bill, government House leader Pablo Rodriguez said more committees — industry, government operations, human resources and procedure and House affairs — will also begin virtual meetings.

The latter committee will be specifically tasked with exploring the best ways for the Commons to function in the weeks ahead. It is to report back by May 15.

“We have to be creative,” Rodriguez said.

“On one hand, we can’t tell Canadians, ‘Stay home because that’s the way to fight this (pandemic)’ and then come here every day and meet.”

In the motion seeking unanimous consent to speed the bill through the Commons, the government also promised to implement measures “without delay” to fill some of the gaps left by the $2,000-per-month Canada Emergency Response Benefit and any other existing or proposed programs to ensure financial support for Canadians who don’t currently qualify for assistance — including students, owner-operators and those earning modest incomes from part-time work, royalties and honoraria.

Canadians Who Don't Qualify For CERB Are Scared They'll Fall Through Cracks
To Cheat Or Not To Cheat? That Is The CERB Question.

It also promised to ensure essential workers who are earning low wages will receive additional support.

As well, it promised partially non-repayable loans for small and medium-sized businesses to help them cover fixed costs, such as rent.

The NDP and Bloc Quebecois both claimed credit for getting those additional promises in writing.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh urged Trudeau to go further and drop all the eligibility criteria for the emergency benefit. However, the prime minister did not specifically respond to that suggestion.

Trudeau, who has addressed the nation daily at briefings outside his home for 26 days, spoke instead Saturday in the Commons, where he delivered a Churchillian speech invoking the heroic battles fought by Canadian troops in the First and Second World Wars.
And for them, and for their grandchildren, we will endure, we will persevere and we will prevail.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

“This is not a war. That doesn’t make this fight any less destructive, any less dangerous but there is no front line marked with barbed wire, no soldiers to be deployed across the ocean, no enemy combatants to defeat,” he said.

“Instead, the front line is everywhere. In our homes, in our hospitals and care centres, in our grocery stores and pharmacies, at our truck stops and gas stations. And the people who work in these places are our modern day heroes.”

Trudeau said the last members of the “greatest generation” who lived through the Great Depression and the Second World War are now the elderly most at risk of dying from COVID-19. And he said all Canadians now have a duty to protect them.

“And for them, and for their grandchildren, we will endure, we will persevere and we will prevail.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 11, 2020.

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