Sunday, April 12, 2020

Scientists warn coronavirus stays in the air longer than previously thought


Scientists in Finland have warned coronavirus can stay in the air far longer than previously thought, through talking, sneezing and coughing.

The scientist released a 3D model showing how the virus spreads in the air through tiny airborne aerosols particles.

Their findings “emphasise the importance of avoiding busy indoor spaces.”

Ville Vuorinen, assistant professor at Aalto University in Finland said, “Someone infected by the coronavirus can cough and walk away but then leave behind extremely small aerosol particles carrying the coronavirus.

“These particles could then end up in the respiratory tract of others in the vicinity.”

The scientific researchers modelled the airborne movement of the particles smaller than 20 micrometres, whilst for a dry cough aerosol particles are less than 15 micrometres.

The researchers said, “Extremely small particles of this size do not sink on the floor, but instead, move along in the air currents or remain floating in the same place.”

Where people gather such as shops, restaurants and public transport, or even meeting outside in groups are at high risk of breathing in infected particles.

Jussi Sane, chief specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare warned that this highlights the importance of people to stay at home, particularly if they feel unwell.

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