Friday, April 17, 2020

Tell Kenney to STOP firing workers and start helping to save Albertans’ lives

This week Kenney claimed to be concerned about unemployment, warning that Alberta headed for 25% unemployment, yet he is making a bad situation worse. The UCP fired 25,000 education workers and their budget is causing job losses in government, post-secondary institutions and municipalities. 
Use our email tool to tell Kenney to STOP firing workers and start helping to save Albertans’ lives.  If you haven't yet, sign up for our #KenneysCuts campaign to join the fight.

Employment statistics for March are brutal. But next month will be worse, especially for Alberta.

For our province, the worse is yet to come. And our provincial government’s determination to pursue austerity in the middle of an unprecedented recession will make a bad situation much worse.

As Other Leaders Support Public Workers, Kenney Kicks Them When They’re Down

Ontario's premier said he wouldn't lay off public sector workers in this time of need and Quebec's premier just gave 300,000 health care workers raises. While other provinces are rallying to support their citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta’s UCP government is using the crisis as a pretext to pursue an ideological agenda of shrinking and privatizing public services. Read AFL president Gil McGowan's editorial.

UCP is using the pandemic to make “outrageous” ideological changes to workplace rules

This week, the UCP also proposed changes to the Employment Standards Code that will give employers unnecessary and outrageous advantages. Among other changes, they will remove the 24-hour written notice of a shift change at a time when notices for employees will be all the more important. Such a change will be particularly difficult for working people with family members at home. With in-school classes cancelled and child care centres open only for essential service workers, like front-line health care staff, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for parents to find options for child care if their shift changes at a moment’s notice.

Child care is an essential service for Albertans during this crisis, and always

COVID-19 has shown that the UCP needs to shift their focus from cutting and de-regulating child care, to instead creating a universal system for Albertans.

Read our news release and then email your MLA

Workers in 'Essential Workplaces' Deserve Presumptive WCB Coverage, says AFL

We sent a letter to the WCB to work with us to adapt to support workers and employers during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing presumptive coverage to all workers that are deemed essential by the provincial government.

Read our news release.

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