Thursday, April 02, 2020

WATCH: Devastating supercut video blows up Pence’s defense of Trump’s handling of coronavirus

April 2, 2020 By Travis Gettys

Vice President Mike Pence insisted President Donald Trump had never “belittled the threat of the coronavirus,” but video evidence proves him wrong.

The vice president defended Trump during an interview Wednesday with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, but a devastating supercut posted online by a group supporting Joe Biden blows holes in Pence’s claim

The video compiled by the pro-Biden Unite the Country super PAC shows Trump repeatedly dismissing the coronavirus outbreak, which he predicted would simply disappear “like a miracle.”

Mike Pence today said Donald Trump has never belittled the threat of the #coronavirus.
Well, we have the receipts.
— Unite the Country (@UniteCountryPAC) April 1, 2020

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