Thursday, May 14, 2020

  1. The development of gratitude in Brazilian children and adolescents
  2. UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
    Jonathan R. Tudge, Professor (Creator)
    The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
    Web Site:
    Abstract: This study aimed to examine age-related changes in gratitude expression and spending preferences and the associations between children’s greatest wish and gratitude expression. Participants were 285 children of ages 7 to 14 (M = 10.87, SD = 2.27, 54% girls) from public and private schools in Porto Alegre, a large urban center of Brazil. We found that verbal gratitude was the most common type of gratitude expression. Older children were more likely to express verbal and less likely to express concrete gratitude than were younger participants; they were also more likely to choose saving money for the future and less likely to choose donating to the poor. We also found a positive correlation between hedonistic wishes and concrete gratitude and between social well-being wishes and connective gratitude. Our results suggest that gratitude is linked to the ability of thinking about others, and may be hindered by a focus on im
Edinete Maria Rosa ... Bioecological Theory of Human Developmenttheoretical-methodological assumptions. According to), BTHD, developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner, can be divided into three phases. ... According to), the evolution of the term “ecology” to “bioecology” is related to the recognition of the structural and ...

  1. Implicit vs. explicit ways of using Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory: Comments on Jaeger by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2017)

  2. Still misused after all these years? A re-evaluation of the uses of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory of human development by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2016)

  3. The virtue of gratitude: A developmental and cultural approach by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2016)

  4. Wishes, gratitude, and spending preferences in Russian children by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2018)

  5. Methods for studying the virtue of gratitude, cross-culturally by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2018)

  6. Envolvimento paterno aos 24 meses de vida da criança [Paternal involvement with 24-month-old children] by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2017)

  7. If children won lotteries: materialism, gratitude and imaginary windfall spending by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2016)

  8. Relações entre desenvolvimento da gratidão e construção de valores em jovens [The relations between the development of gratitude and the construction of values in youth] by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2016)

  9. Wishes and gratitude of students from private and public schools by Tudge, Jonathan R. (2016)

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